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Car Care

The right way to clean your wheels

The most often skipped step of car washing, wheel cleaning, is an art in itself. While often overlooked, it can be essential in keeping the rest of your car clean and scratch-free. Wheels should be the very first step in your car cleaning process to ensure that all brake dust is removed from the car before you begin to scrub.


Gather all of the supplies that you’ll need for your wheel clean:

    • Hose
    • Clean rinse bucket
    • Tyre brush or wash mitt
  • Microfibre cloth
  • Wheel cleaner
  • Wheel shampoo


It’s important to do a thorough and high-pressured rinse to remove heavy brake dust from the area. Just as you’d rinse the body of your car before washing it, make sure to rinse the wheels. Ensure that you’re not rubbing the wheels with just this coat of water. You need soap to lubricate if you don’t want to end up with scratches.


We recommend avoiding acidic tyre cleaners. Even a moderately acidic pH can wear down the clear coat on your rims, which isn’t what you’re going for. To keep a fresh rim intact, we recommend opting for a neutral pH wash. The best of these are dedicated wheel cleaning agents. These will do everything you want, including removing brake dust and lifting debris and grime.

Spray on your cleaner and refer to the directions. If it says that you need to scrub to activate, we suggest using a dedicated wheel brush, not a toothbrush. Never use the same brush on the tyres as you do on the wheel rims. Rinse off after cleaning.


Once you have cleaned the wheels, it’s time to shampoo them. This is to remove the harsh chemicals of the cleaner so that they don’t discolour your rims. If you have a ceramic wheel coating, make sure to avoid wax products as they can break it down. Once you’ve shampooed using your brush or mitt, rinse off until the water runs clear. Dry with a clean microfibre cloth.


  • Wash your wheels when they’re cool to ensure that the products don’t become baked onto them.
  • If you’re going to use an iron and fallout remover, do it before the shampoo. Shampoo quickly after to reduce the damage that could potentially be done to brakes and other metal components.
  • Wash one tyre at a time. While it may seem like taking the long way, it’s the best way to clean each tyre properly. If you’re running around the car to complete every step before moving on, you’re leaving harsh chemicals on the wheels for longer than needed. Get the best shine by completely finishing one before moving on to the next.

If you’re looking for a professional shine, bring your wheels to the nearest Magic Hand Carwash for a clean that’s hassle-free. We can do all the hard work for you before you drive away on your sleek, clean wheels.

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